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Jbdis® Rangeland Management

Despite Limited Water Resources, We Are Working To Maximize Efficiency.

center pivot
center pivot
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At Jbdis® Irrigation, we make great efforts to irrigate idle pasture land around the world. We know that the manure formed in grassland areas must be distributed in a way that limits runoff, deep percolation, drift into non-target areas and odor potential. Your local Jbdis Pivot dealer can help you develop a nutritional management plan using center pivot equipment for site specific application. offers comprehensive, practical solutions to water management and natural resource problems.

Center Pivot Advantages
You can irrigate very large areas with less labor cost. Center pivot and linear irrigation by Jbdis can efficiently irrigate larger lands evenly compared to other irrigation methods.

The land does not need to be leveled: When using center pivot and linear irrigation, there is no need to level the plantings as required with flood irrigation, meaning that valuable, nutritious top soil is not lost.


Less labor demand: One person can operate several center pivots or linear at the same time.


Preservation of clean water: Fresh water can be preserved by recycling waste waste from cropland.


Application uniformity: Even distribution of the material can be achieved easily and automatically.


Use less fertilizer: Fertilizer requirements are reduced as process wash water returns most of the soil nutrients needed.

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